This is the big brother of the “semicircular canal” (look at the size!). With this piece in your possession, you can get everything that little brother can offer, but you also get an excellent tool to be able to teach on a larger scale
This exclusive model of the semicircular canals allows otoliths to flow freely! The model provides the opportunity for a
very high understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the canals of the inner ear. Simply a fantastic tool for both the therapist and the patient to be able to explain in a very educational and illustrative way what happens if the patient for example suffers from diagnosis as BPPV.
All canals are labeled with ”P” (posterior), ”H” (horizontal) or ”A” (anterior) for more easy anatomical orientation.
The model is available in both right and left versions and can be purchased at a package price.
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Ships within 1-2 weeks, shipping and any customs and VAT costs are not included.